The Leadership Collective Excerpt 6

lead with people Dec 25, 2023
Find Your People


Your maximum potential will be achieved in direct correlation to your ability to intentionally invest in finding your people.


I have a natural lean towards independence. I like to run hard and I like to run fast. 

Over the years however, I have learned that if I want to persevere with optimum performance, then I have to be intentional about investing in three pivotal relationships in order to reach the full potential of my purpose: mentors, mates, and mentees.

Pursue mentors to stay humble. Every coach needs a coach. Seek wisdom from those who can point out your blindspots and warn you of the dips and turns ahead.

Pursue mates to stay honest. We need people to run with! Turn counterparts into comrades. Seek authentic conversations with others who “get it” and are running the same race.

Pursue mentees to stay hungry. Be who you wish you had. Seek to equip and empower younger leaders just starting out or with less experience. It will make you accountable to practice what you preach and will keep you passionate about your purpose instead of narrowly fixed on your power or position.

You can run hard and fast alone. But if you want to finish well and finish strong - Find your people! We truly are better together.


By Chrissy Mayer - Regional Groups and Couples Director, Grace Family Church

Chrissy is a visionary, builder and activator.  She has over 20 years of experience leading youth and young adult communities and has worked to build teams that serve incarcerated families and families in the system of care.