How can communication save our marriage with Bob and Shelly Raitz? | Episode 038

Marriage is amazing! But it is also extremely difficult. In the beginning, communicating with each other seems so easy. Then, time sets in and communication gets harder and harder. It seems like it should be easier. Some days the smallest phrase sets off your spouse and then that has the possibility of starting a fight. Then you just stop communicating. And the distance creeps in and you get farther and farther away from each other.

The reality is, you need to communicate! If you donā€™t, you could lose your marriage. Today we start a brand new series on the Speak with People Podcast called: Speak with your family. Communicating in healthy ways with your family will bring an incredible peace to your life. If your communication is off at home, then it will greatly affect your communication at work.

When you focus first on communicating with your family, it will ultimately produce a greater level of work productivity and work life balance. When your home life is healthy, everything else will improve from there. In this series, Speak with People is tackling four giant communication areas that families deal with regularly.

We will have authentic and real conversations about these areas and offer practical and helpful steps to our listeners.

Thanks for joining us today as Jason Raitz interviews Bob & Shelly Raitz about their almost 50 year marriage journey!

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